Saturday, January 29, 2011

futile effort

this might end up being more of a fun experiment than anything else. since i had this vivd dream this morning...well about 3-4 actually. but i was too tired to try and write them down....or type i should say.
i've had this cold the last few days and it's finally leaving. but i drank some cold meds last night and that stuff always gives me the most f'ed dreams.
i will try to remember the one from last night.

first thing that comes to mind: white.
damn, you know what fuck it. i thought i could remember. i sat here for a few minutes just now and...nothing. i remembered it this afternoon so i thought i could do it again just now. but i cant. damn my laziness and lethargy this AM!
the white thought... it was something puffy like clouds or smoke. i think something about the cocaine in Social Network stuck in my mind. how it was on his fingertips when the cop pulled his hand up. so caught.

me and my mom got to talking about my birth tonight...don't ask me why. she described this one part in a way that really has stayed in my mind and i bet it will show up in my dreams somehow.
she said when i came out they picked me up and laid me on her chest for about a minute before they had to take me away.
she said, "you were moving like this helpless turtle. i couldn't really sit up but i remember just having this urge to help you, cradle you more"

helpless turtle...can you just picture my little arms and legs waving about not knowing what to do with all that space all at once. after being so crammed in the womb so long? that had to feel so weird for me. anyway... i've never heard anyone describe a newborn as a turtle and it was just so cute... and somehow spot-on

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